Browsing by Keyword : G2 Phase

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Showing results 3 to 8 of 8

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2000Galectin-3 mediates genistein-induced G(2)/M arrest and inhibits apoptosis.문봉기
2007Hepatocyte growth factor at S phase induces G2 delay through sustained ERK activation.이재호
2014Human mitochondrial Fis1 links to cell cycle regulators at G2/M transition.김송희, 박용예, 조혜성
2011The auto-ubiquitylation of E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase Chfr at G2 phase is required for accumulation of polo-like kinase 1 and mitotic entry in mammalian cells박용예, 조혜성
2008The ERK-RSK1 activation by growth factors at G2 phase delays cell cycle progression and reduces mitotic aberrations.김수정, 이재호, 조혜성
2004TIS21/BTG2/PC3 is expressed through PKC-delta pathway and inhibits binding of cyclin B1-Cdc2 and its activity, independent of p53 expression.유민숙, 임인경
