Browsing by Keyword : Galectin 3

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Showing results 1 to 6 of 6

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2000Galectin-3 mediates genistein-induced G(2)/M arrest and inhibits apoptosis.문봉기
2001Galectin-3 protects human breast carcinoma cells against nitric oxide-induced apoptosis: implication of galectin-3 function during metastasis.문봉기
2004Inhibition of N-(4-hydroxyphenyl)retinamide-induced apoptosis in breast cancer cells by galectin-3.최진혁
2014LGALS3 as a prognostic factor for classical Hodgkin's lymphoma.고영화
2008Low expression of Bax predicts poor prognosis in resected non-small cell lung cancer patients with non-squamous histology.강석윤, 김장희, 박광주, 신승수, 오영택, 이현우, 정성현, 최진혁, 최호, 한재호, 황성철
2022Therapeutic implications of galectin-3 in patients with atrial fibrillation이광노, 황교승
