Browsing by Keyword : Infertility
Showing results 4 to 9 of 9
Pub Year | | Title | AJOU Author(s) |
2006 | | Increased Incidence of Endometrial Polyps in Women with Endometriosis; the Association with Severity | 김미란, 안상태, 장혜진, 황경주 |
2024 | | Risk Factors for Infertility in Korean Women | 황경주 |
1994 | | Sexual differentiation and preimplantation cell growth. | 조남한 |
2011 | | Testicular Microlithiasis: Prevalence and Clinical Significance in a Population Referred for Scrotal Ultrasonography | 김선일, 김세중, 김영수, 안현수, 최종보 |
2011 | | The Prevalence of Serum Autoimmune Antibodies and Clinical Significance in Infertility Patients Undergoing In Vitro Fertilization | 유정현, 황경주 |
2005 | | Value of Laparoscopy in infertile women with normal hysterosalpingograms | 김미란, 유희석, 장석준, 장혜진, 황경주 |