Browsing by Keyword : NADPH Oxidase

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Showing results 10 to 13 of 13

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2014Oxidized low-density lipoprotein stimulates macrophage 18F-FDG uptake via hypoxia-inducible factor-1α activation through Nox2-dependent reactive oxygen species generation.이수진
2012Pravastatin attenuates noise-induced cochlear injury in mice박기현, 박상면, 박정섭, 정연훈, 주일로
2001Reactive oxygen species mediate A beta(25-35)-induced activation of BV-2 microglia.조은혜, 주일로
2005Thrombin-induced oxidative stress contributes to the death of hippocampal neurons in vivo: role of microglial NADPH oxidase.김승업, 진병관
