Browsing by Keyword : Subcellular Fractions

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Showing results 2 to 9 of 9

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
1999Distinct localization of SAPK isoforms in neurons of adult mouse brain implies multiple signaling modes of SAPK pathway.이영돈
2002Implication of the small GTPase Rac1 in the generation of reactive oxygen species in response to beta-amyloid in C6 astroglioma cells.조은혜
2004Inhibition of N-(4-hydroxyphenyl)retinamide-induced apoptosis in breast cancer cells by galectin-3.최진혁
2004Involvement of c-Src kinase in the regulation of TGF-beta1-induced apoptosis.최경숙
2004Protein carboxylmethylation in porcine spleen is mainly mediated by class I protein carboxyl O-methyltransferase.권명희
2004Roles of the mammalian mitochondrial fission and fusion mediators Fis1, Drp1, and Opa1 in apoptosis.정선용
2004Subcellular localization and transcriptional repressor activity of HBx on p21(WAF1/Cip1) promoter is regulated by ERK-mediated phosphorylation.최경숙
2017Vaccinia-related kinase 3 (VRK3) sets the circadian period and amplitude by affecting the subcellular localization of clock proteins in mammalian cells김은영
