Browsing by Keyword : Middle Cerebral Artery

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Showing results 11 to 17 of 17

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2009Non-conventional risk factors were associated with infarct patterns in ischemic stroke.홍지만
2006Progression of middle cerebral artery susceptibility sign on T2*-weighted images: its effect on recanalization and clinical outcome after thrombolysis.김호성
2010Simultaneous vasomotor reactivity testing in the middle cerebral and basilar artery with suboccipital probe fixation device.신승수, 주인수, 허균, 홍지만
2005Specific DWI lesion patterns predict prognosis after acute ischaemic stroke within the MCA territory.방오영, 이필휴
2003The role of transcranial Doppler in symptomatic striatocapsular small deep infarction.김선용, 방오영, 주인수, 허균
2003Transcranial Doppler findings in middle cerebral arterial occlusive disease in relation to degree of stenosis and presence of concomitant stenoses.방오영, 주인수, 허균
2006Two cases of spontaneous middle cerebral arterial dissection causing ischemic stroke.이필휴
