Browsing by Keyword : Bipolar Disorder

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Showing results 1 to 6 of 6

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2013A genome-wide association study of seasonal pattern mania identifies NF1A as a possible susceptibility gene for bipolar disorder.우현구
2008Neural Correlates of Theory of Mind in Patients with Euthymic Bipolar Disorder : Comparison with Normal Subjects조현상
2021Predictors of diagnostic transition from major depressive disorder to bipolar disorder: a retrospective observational network study박래웅, 손상준
2023Privacy-Preserving Federated Model Predicting Bipolar Transition in Patients With Depression: Prediction Model Development Study박래웅, 손상준
2022Risks of complicated acute appendicitis in patients with psychiatric disorders박래웅
2019The Necessity of the Judicial Hospitalization for Acutely Exacerbated Person with Severe Psychiatric Disorder노재성
