Browsing by Keyword : Caspase 9

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Showing results 1 to 6 of 6

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2004Activin receptor-like kinase-7 induces apoptosis through activation of MAPKs in a Smad3-dependent mechanism in hepatoma cells.최경숙
2003Analysis of the phenotypes of Jurkat clones with different TRAIL-sensitivities.김형일, 장영주
2003Blockade of ionotropic glutamate receptors produces neuronal apoptosis through the Bax-cytochrome C-caspase pathway: the causative role of Ca2+ deficiency.곽병주, 원석준
2001Ionizing radiation can overcome resistance to TRAIL in TRAIL-resistant cancer cells.장영주
2018JNK2 silencing and caspase-9 activation by hyperosmotic polymer inhibits tumor progression정연훈
2010Sulfasalazine induces apoptosis of HBx-expressing cells in an NF-kappaB-independent manner.조혜성
