Browsing by Keyword : Choledochal Cyst

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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
1998Ballooning of the papilla during contrast injection: the semaphore of a choledochocele.유병무
2011Clinical Characteristics of the Pediatric Patients with Pre-natally and Post-natally Diagnosed Choledochal Cysts홍우성, 홍정
1995Imaging of the choledochal cyst.김옥화
2008Risk factors of postoperative anastomotic stricture after excision of choledochal cysts with hepaticojejunostomy.김명욱, 김욱환, 김지훈, 김진홍, 유병무, 한재호, 홍정
2007Value of manganese-enhanced T1- and T2-weighted MR cholangiography for differentiating cystic parenchymal lesions from cystic abnormalities which communicate with bile ducts.이제희
