Browsing by Keyword : Chromosome Deletion

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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2013Clinical and cytogenetic features of a patient with partial trisomy 8q and partial monosomy 13q delineated by array comparative genomic hybridization.김성환, 박문성, 손영배, 이장훈
2013Clinical and genetic spectrum of 18 unrelated Korean patients with Sotos syndrome: frequent 5q35 microdeletion and identification of four novel NSD1 mutations.손영배, 정선용, 진현석
2012Familial Xp22.33-Xp22.12 deletion delineated by chromosomal microarray analysis causes proportionate short stature손영배
2015The first Korean patient with Potocki-Shaffer syndrome: a rare cause of multiple exostoses.손영배, 임신영
2013The proportion of uniparental disomy is increased in Prader-Willi syndrome due to an advanced maternal childbearing age in Korea.손영배
