Browsing by Keyword : Common Bile Duct Neoplasms

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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2014Clonal identity and histologic difference in peripheral T-cell lymphoma with follicular helper T-cell phenotype simultaneously occurring at common bile duct and lymph nodes.김영철, 이다근, 한재호
2010Endoscopic resection of ampullary adenoma after a new insulated plastic pancreatic stent placement: a pilot study.김진홍, 유병무, 임선교, 조성원, 황재철
2009Is endoscopic papillectomy safe for ampullary adenomas with high-grade dysplasia?김명욱, 김욱환, 김지훈, 김진홍, 유병무, 한재호
2013Management after endoscopic snare papillectomy for ampullary adenomas.김지훈, 김진홍, 유병무, 황재철
2006Risk factors for cholecystitis after metal stent placement in malignant biliary obstruction.김진홍, 유병무
