Browsing by Keyword : Tympanic Membrane Perforation

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Showing results 1 to 11 of 11

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2018Chitosan/PEI patch releasing EGF and the EGFR gene for the regeneration of the tympanic membrane after perforation정연훈
2019Epidermal Growth Factor-Releasing Radially Aligned Electrospun Nanofibrous Patches for the Regeneration of Chronic Tympanic Membrane Perforations장정훈, 정연훈, 추옥성
2015Latent progenitor cells as potential regulators for tympanic membrane regeneration.김연주, 정연훈
2024Latent stem cell-stimulating radially aligned electrospun nanofibrous patches for chronic tympanic membrane perforation therapy정연훈
2019Latent stem cell-stimulating therapy for regeneration of chronic tympanic membrane perforations using IGFBP2-releasing chitosan patch scaffolds장정훈, 정연훈, 추옥성
2018Optical assessment of the in vivo tympanic membrane status using a handheld optical coherence tomography-based otoscope장정훈
2013Panel 8: Complications and sequelae.박기현
2013Regeneration of chronic tympanic membrane perforation using an EGF-releasing chitosan patch.정연훈
2013Response to "letter to the editor" written by Peter Luke Santa Maria, MBBS, PhD.정연훈
2022Transtympanic soft tissue tympanoplasty can replace conventional techniques elevating tympanic membranes박헌이, 장정훈, 정연훈, 하정호
2010Tympanic membrane regeneration using a water-soluble chitosan patch.정연훈
