Browsing "Microbiology" by AJOU Author : 김유선

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Showing results 1 to 3 of 3

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2017Low-Level Light Therapy with 410 nm Light Emitting Diode Suppresses Collagen Synthesis in Human Keloid Fibroblasts: An In Vitro Study김유선, 김유찬, 손성향, 이현수
2014Regulation of the subcellular shuttling of Sgo1 between centromeres and chromosome arms by Aurora B-mediated phosphorylation.권명희, 김유선, 최경숙
2013Ultrastructural changes in photorejuvenation induced by photodynamic therapy in a photoaged mouse model.김유선, 김유찬, 손성향
