Browsing "Microbiology" by AJOU Author : 이성낙
Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Pub Year | | Title | AJOU Author(s) |
1997 | | An Immunoelectron Microscoic Study of Biopsy Samples from Erythema Nodosum-like Lesions of Behcet's Disease Using the Sera of Patients with Behcet's Disease | 손성향, 이성낙 |
1998 | | Behçet's disease-like symptoms induced by the Herpes simplex virus in ICR mice. | 손성향, 이성낙, 이은소 |
2003 | | Combined treatment with colchicine and Herba Taraxaci (Tarazacum mongolicum Hand.-Mazz.) attenuates Behcet's disease-like symptoms in mice and influences the expressions of cytokines. | 손성향, 이성낙, 이은소 |
2001 | | Experimental studies on the antiviral agent famciclovir in Behçet's disease symptoms in ICR mice. | 손성향, 이성낙, 이은소 |
2001 | | Expression of Th2 cytokines decreases the development of and improves Behçet's disease-like symptoms induced by herpes simplex virus in mice. | 손성향, 이성낙, 이은소 |
2001 | | The correlation of MHC haplotype and development of Behçet's disease-like symptoms induced by herpes simplex virus in several inbred mouse strains. | 손성향, 이성낙, 이은소 |
2003 | | Therapeutic effect of thalidomide through cytokine and chemokine regulation in herpes simplex virus-induced Behçet's disease-like animal model. | 손성향, 이성낙, 이은소 |