Browsing "Microbiology" by AJOU Author : 이성낙

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Showing results 1 to 7 of 7

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
1997An Immunoelectron Microscoic Study of Biopsy Samples from Erythema Nodosum-like Lesions of Behcet's Disease Using the Sera of Patients with Behcet's Disease손성향, 이성낙
1998Behçet's disease-like symptoms induced by the Herpes simplex virus in ICR mice.손성향, 이성낙, 이은소
2003Combined treatment with colchicine and Herba Taraxaci (Tarazacum mongolicum Hand.-Mazz.) attenuates Behcet's disease-like symptoms in mice and influences the expressions of cytokines.손성향, 이성낙, 이은소
2001Experimental studies on the antiviral agent famciclovir in Behçet's disease symptoms in ICR mice.손성향, 이성낙, 이은소
2001Expression of Th2 cytokines decreases the development of and improves Behçet's disease-like symptoms induced by herpes simplex virus in mice.손성향, 이성낙, 이은소
2001The correlation of MHC haplotype and development of Behçet's disease-like symptoms induced by herpes simplex virus in several inbred mouse strains.손성향, 이성낙, 이은소
2003Therapeutic effect of thalidomide through cytokine and chemokine regulation in herpes simplex virus-induced Behçet's disease-like animal model.손성향, 이성낙, 이은소
