Browsing "Preventive Medicine & Public Health" by AJOU Author : 김광민

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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2015Association between healthy diet and exercise and greater muscle mass in older adults.계승희, 김광민, 이윤환, 정윤석
2013Association of physical activity with sarcopenia and sarcopenic obesity in community-dwelling older adults: the Fourth Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.김광민, 이윤환, 정윤석
2015Association of vegetables and fruits consumption with sarcopenia in older adults: the Fourth Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.계승희, 김광민, 김진희, 이윤환, 정윤석
2015Higher free thyroxine levels are associated with sarcopenia in elderly Koreans김광민, 이윤환, 정윤석, 최용준
2012Prevalence of sarcopenia and sarcopenic obesity in the Korean population based on the Fourth Korean National Health and Nutritional Examination Surveys김광민, 이득주, 이윤환, 정윤석, 주남석, 최용준, 홍두희
