Browsing "Preventive Medicine & Public Health" by Keyword : Adipose Tissue

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Showing results 1 to 7 of 7

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2019Disentangling the genetics of lean mass조남한
2012Fat mass is negatively associated with bone mineral content in Koreans조남한
2015Neck Circumference and Incidence of Diabetes Mellitus over 10 Years in the Korean Genome and Epidemiology Study (KoGES).조남한
2016Regional body fat depots differently affect bone microarchitecture in postmenopausal Korean women조남한
2014Relationships between body mass index, fat mass, muscle mass, and musculoskeletal pain in community residents.조남한
2006The relationship between body fat and C-reactive protein in middle-aged Korean population.조남한
2007Visceral fatness and insulin sensitivity in women with a previous history of gestational diabetes mellitus.조남한
