Browsing "Allergy" by Publication Year :

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Showing results 761 to 777 of 777

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
1998Elevation of specific immunoglobulin A antibodies to both allergen and bacterial antigen in induced sputum from asthmatics.남동호, 박해심
1997Correlation between IgA antibody and eosinophil cationic protein levels in induced sputum from asthmatic patients.남동호, 박해심
1997Occupational asthma and Reactive Airway Dysfunction Syndrome박해심
1997혈청과 체액 내 BCP측정의 유용성박해심
1997Evidence of Hop Japanese pollinosis in Korea: IgE sensitization and identification of allergenic components.남동호, 박기현, 박해심, 이수영
1997IgA and IgG Antibodies to Streptococcus Pneumoniae in Induced Sputum from Asthmatic Patients남동호, 박해심
1997New occupational allergen in a pharmaceutical industry: serratial peptidase and lysozyme chloride.남동호, 박해심
1997Seasonal variation of skin reactivity and specific IgE antibody to house dust mite.남동호, 박해심
1997Prognostic factors for toluene diisocyanate-induced occupational asthma after removal from exposure.남동호, 박해심
1997Cultured nasal polyps from nonatopic and atopic patients release RANTES spontaneously and after stimulation with phytohemagglutinin.박해심
1997Identification of IgE-binding components in occupational asthma caused by corn dust.남동호, 박해심
1997Allergen-induced release of GM-CSF and IL-8 in vitro by nasal polyp tissue from atopic subjects prolongs eosinophil survival.박해심
1996Occupational asthma due to deer dander.남동호
1996Buckwheat flour hypersensitivity: an occupational asthma in a noodle maker.남동호, 박해심
1996Occupational Asthma Caused by Serratial Peptidase and Lysozyme Chloride in a Pharmaceutical Industry남동호, 박해심
1996Occupational Asthma following Inhalation of Cimetidine and Amoxicillin Powder남동호, 박해심
1995Early and late onset asthmatic responses following lysine-aspirin inhalation in aspirin-sensitive asthmatic patients.박해심
