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Combination of measures of handgrip strength and red cell distribution width can predict in-hospital complications better than the ASA grade after hip fracture surgery in the elderly

Ji, HM | Han, J | Bae, HW | Won, YY
BMC musculoskeletal disorders, 18(1). : 375-375, 2017
Journal Title
BMC musculoskeletal disorders
BACKGROUND: Early detection of a high-risk patient following hip fracture surgery is of paramount clinical importance. American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) grading is an easy and efficient index in predicting a worse outcome. The red cell distribution width (RDW) and handgrip strength, are gaining interest as a prediction tool as well. Accordingly, the objective of this study was to investigate the potential association between ASA, RDW and grip strength and detect the effects of combining RDW and grip strength for predicting early complication after hip fracture surgery in the elderly.
METHODS: Eighty-three consecutive patients operated with hip fracture surgeries were identified retrospectively. Age, gender, diagnosis, RDW, handgrip strength and ASA grade were recorded. Admission to the intensive care unit (ICU), length of ICU stay, transfer to other departments, in-hospital death, and readmission were investigated as early complications. Logistic regression analysis was applied to evaluate the estimates in predicting complications, and receiver operating characteristics curves were constructed to compare the estimates and decide which method is more accurate.
RESULTS: After the surgery, 52% of the patients were admitted to the ICU. From the analyses, RDW and grip strength had no significant relation with each other. However, the ICU stay was correlated with RDW and grip strength but not for the ASA grade. A higher ASA grade and grip strength could independently predict ICU admission. The combination of RDW with grip strength outweighed the ASA grade in predictive ability.
CONCLUSIONS: The current study indicated that combining RDW and grip strength measures can be efficient and clinically relevant in predicting early postoperative complications after fragility hip fracture in the elderly. Due to the objectivity and availability of those two approaches, patient care, and functional outcomes are expected to be improved by adopting these measures in the clinical setting.

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Journal Papers > School of Medicine / Graduate School of Medicine > Orthopedic Surgery
Ajou Authors
원, 예연
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