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Association between residing in municipalities facing population decline and satisfaction with neighboring healthcare infrastructure in older aged adults

Ju, YJ  | Kim, W | Chang, K  | Lee, TH | Lee, SY
BMC public health, 24(1). : 2070-2070, 2024
Journal Title
BMC public health
Background: Many municipalities in rural areas of Korea are facing population decline due to the aging population phenomenon. This study examined the relationship between residing in municipalities facing population decline and satisfaction with nearby healthcare infrastructure in older aged adults. Methods: The 2021 Korea Community Health Survey (KCHS) data were used. Municipalities were classified as those not facing population decline, those at risk, and those facing population decline based on the Population Decline Index. The association between residing in municipalities facing population decline and satisfaction with nearby healthcare infrastructure was examined cross-sectionally using a multi-level logistic regression analysis. Satisfaction with available public transportation was concomitantly examined as it is related to accessing healthcare services. Results: Of the 58,568 individuals aged 65 years or above analyzed, 27,471 (46.9%) adults were residing in municipalities without population decline, 4,640 (7.9%) adults in municipalities at risk of population decline, and 26,457 (45.2%) in municipalities with population decline. Individuals living in municipalities with population decline were more likely to be dissatisfied with nearby healthcare infrastructure (OR 1.76, 95% CI 1.41–2.20). Similar tendencies were found for public transportation infrastructure (OR 1.67, 95% CI 1.38–2.03). Conclusions: Individuals residing in municipalities with declining populations are more likely to report dissatisfaction with nearby healthcare infrastructure and public transportation. These findings emphasize the importance of providing adequate medical infrastructure to reduce potential health-related disparities.


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Journal Papers > School of Medicine / Graduate School of Medicine > Preventive Medicine & Public Health
Journal Papers > Graduate School of Public Health > Public Health
Ajou Authors
이, 순영  |  장, 규진  |  주, 영준
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