Working and balancing sides are subject to torsional and the tensile stresses, respectively. Tension banding principle denotes the principle of plating along the tension line for stable internal fixation on the balancing side of the mandibular fracture, which is the theoretical basis for the miniplate osteosynthesis. On the contrary, Arbeitsgemeinschaft fϋr Osteo - synthesefragen/Association for the Study of Internal Fixation (AO/ASIF) introduced the idea of stable fixation which confirms the stability of the fracture segment across the fracture line of the working side. Merging the principles of the miniplate osteosynthesis and compression osteosynthesis, the author suggests a new technique of angled eccentric osteosynthesis in case of simple mandibular fractures. The drilling holes are eccentrically positioned away from the fracture gap and intentionally angled to each other. The advancement of the miniscrews through these eccentrically angled drill holes will exert an axial load toward the fracture gap providing an interfragmental compressive force.