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Prevalence Estimation of Several Chronic Disease through Community Based Health Examination Survey

Other Title
지역사회 주요 만성질환의 유병률 추정 [구리시 '97 건강진단조사 결과를 기초로]
이, 순영 | 한, 근식 | 김, 영옥 | 김, 혜경 | 민, 병현
The Korean journal of preventive medicine, 32(1). : 40-47, 1999
Journal Title
The Korean journal of preventive medicine
Objectives. The health examination survey was conducted in order to estimate the prevalence of major chronic diseases in a community.

Methods. A multi-stage stratified probability sample of 1,656 persons, aged from 20 to 69 years, was drawn out from Kuri City. All sampled persons were personally informed of the purpose., content and procedures of the survey and mobile examination center was run between 6 AM and 9 PM for the convenience of the participants.

Results. 854 persons (339 males and 515 females) completed this study with a response rate of 53.4%. Prevalent diseases in male were hypertension(19.0%), HBs Ag carrier(9.8%), impaired glucose tolerance(8.7%), diabetes mellitus(6.3%), hypercholesterolemia(3.4%), anemia(2.7%) and degenerative arthritis(2.6%) in order of prevalence rate. Prevalent diseases in female were osteoporosis(22.5%), impaired glucose tolerance(17.3%), anemia(12.8%), hypertension(12.4%), degenerative arthritis(6.6%), HBs Ag carrier(5.8%), diabetes mellitus(5.4%) and hypercholesterolemia(3.5%) in order of prevalence rate.

Conclusions. This results suggest that hypertension was most prevalent in adult male whereas diabetes mellitus including IGT, osteoporosis were most prevalent in adult female, in Kuri City.

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Journal Papers > School of Medicine / Graduate School of Medicine > Unclassified
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