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Morphology of Fingerprints in Koreans

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dc.contributor.author정, 민석-
dc.contributor.author이, 제만-
dc.contributor.author손, 현준-
dc.contributor.author백, 두진-
dc.contributor.author박, 성식-
dc.description.abstractFingerprints have been used for personal identification, for revealing physical anthropological characteristics, and for diagnosing genetic disorders. Morphology of fingerprints has been analyzed in various tribes. However, in Korean, the analytical

methods of fingerprints and the numbers of subjects were not sufficient to find standard values fort Korean fingerprints. In this study, fingerprints of 3216 Koreans (2095 males and 1121 females) were analyzed using the various methods and compared

with those of other tribes to contribute in resealing physical anthropological characteristics of Korean and also in diagnosing genetic disorders of Korean. The results were as follows. 1. The incidence of ulnar loop type, whorl type, radial loop

type, and arch type was 50.4%, 42.9%, 3.8%, and 2.9%, respectively. Data from the comparison of the incidences of fingerprint types in Korean with those in various tribes lead us to conclude that Korean belongs to the Asians and becomes closer to the

Whites and Blacks in which loop type is frequent and whorl type is not frequent. 2. Fingerprint type seems to be related to the strength of finger since whorl type was frequent in male and in right hand, and arch type was frequent in female and in left


In addition, loop of fingerprint appears to have the tendency to open to the side bearing more physical contact since radial loop type was frequent in second finger, and ulnar loop type was frequent in fifth finger. 3. Among the subtypes of fingerprint, morphologically simple types were common. Among the subtyes of arch types, simple arch type with the same number of radial dermal ridges as ulnar ones was the most common. Among the subtypes of loop types, ulnar loop type without concentric

circles or spirals was the most common. Among the subtypes of whorl types, concentric whorl type without loops was the most common. 4. Finger ridge counts were 16.9, 13.9, 11.9, 11.3, and 11.2 in first, fourth, third, second, and fifth finger, respectively ; and were greater in male than in female. Finger ridge counts are greater in fingers which shows whorl type. However, there would be other factors to determine finger ridge counts ; for examples, the size and behavioral habit of finger.
dc.titleMorphology of Fingerprints in Koreans-
dc.title.alternative한국사람 지문의 생김새-
dc.subject.keywordDermal ridge-
dc.type.localJournal Papers-
dc.citation.titleKorean journal of physical anthropology-
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitationKorean journal of physical anthropology, 10(2). : 251-264, 1999-
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Journal Papers > School of Medicine / Graduate School of Medicine > Unclassified
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