BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Attic cholesteatoma which develops from the papillary or retracted from progresses through various anatomic sites such as the mesotympanium, the mastoid process and the epitympanium. Although the most common site for attic cholesteatoma is the lateral attic space, it has also been found frequently in the medial attic space. We hoped to understand the pathogenesis of attic cholesteatoma through clinical analyses in order to contribute to the cholesteatoma treatment.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: We chose 60 attic cholesteatoma patients showing attic retraction or perforation. These cases of attic cholesteatomas were classified into either the lateral or the medial types depedning on the main site of occurence. They were further classified into anterior, posterior and inferior types according to the direction of cholesteatomatic progression.
CONCLUSION: The accurate assessment and clear understanding of the pathogenesis of different forms of cholesteatoma enabled a successful operation and helped to minimize the operative field.