저자들은 동종항체로서 항-E항체와 자가항체로서 항-D항체가 동시에 검출되었으나 자가면역 성용혈성빈혈의 증거가 없었던 Rh(D)양성, AB형 1예를 보고하는 바이다. 환자는 결핵성 척추염으로 진단받은 66세 여자로 척추의 나사제거술을 위하여 입원하였다. 6개월 전부터 항결핵제제를 복용하여 왔으며, 당시 6단위의 AB형 Rh(D) 양성농축적혈구를 수혈받았다. Rh 표현형은 CcDe형
이었으며 직접항글로불린검사상 IgG 양성이었고, 분자유전학적 검사 및 부분 D형을 배제하기 위한 혈청학적 검사로도 정상적인 Rh(D) 양성으로 판명되었다.
We report here on a case of simultaneously detecting anti-D as an autoimmune antibody and anti-E as an alloimmune antibody without any evidence of autoimmune hemolytic anemia. A 66-year-old female with tuberculous spondylitis was admitted for removing a previously-placed surgical screw in her spine. She had received antituberculosis drugs and six units of AB, RhD positive packed red blood cells during the previous 6 months. The laboratory findings were as followings: the direct antiglobulin test was positive for IgG, the Rh phenotype of the erythrocytes was typed as group CcDe and RhD antigen was confirmed by the molecular method and the serological method to rule out partial-D.