Browsing by Keyword : Postmenopause
Showing results 26 to 28 of 28
Pub Year | | Title | AJOU Author(s) |
2016 | | Vitamin D Repletion in Korean Postmenopausal Women with Osteoporosis | 정윤석 |
2011 | | Vitamin K supplement along with vitamin D and calcium reduced serum concentration of undercarboxylated osteocalcin while increasing bone mineral density in Korean postmenopausal women over sixty-years-old. | 김광민, 김규남, 김범택, 박샛별, 이득주, 제상현, 조두연, 주남석 |
2011 | | Whole Body Vibration Effects on Body Composition in the Postmenopausal Korean Obese Women: Pilot Study | 김광민, 송고은, 이득주, 주남석 |