Browsing by Keyword : Spectrometry, Fluorescence

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Showing results 4 to 8 of 8

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2015Detection of CTX-II in serum and urine to diagnose osteoarthritis by using a fluoro-microbeads guiding chip.민병현
2003Differential activation of subtype purinergic receptors modulates Ca(2+) mobilization and COX-2 in human microglia.김승업
2007Inducing rigid local structure around the zinc-binding region by hydrophobic interactions enhances the homotrimerization and apoptotic activity of zinc-free TRAIL.권명희
2002Interferon-gamma acutely induces calcium influx in human microglia.김승업
2005Perturbations in calcium-mediated signal transduction in microglia from Alzheimer's disease patients.김승업
