Browsing by Keyword : osteoarthritis

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Showing results 18 to 24 of 24

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2020Predicting physical activity and cardiovascular risk and quality of life in adults with osteoarthritis at risk for metabolic syndrome: A test of the information-motivation-behavioral skills model김춘자, 원예연
2020Seomae mugwort and jaceosidin attenuate osteoarthritic cartilage damage by blocking IkappaB degradation in mice강이중, 양시영
2019Skeletal maturation and predicted adult height in adolescents with temporomandibular joint osteoarthritis강정현, 이정근
2020Small extracellular vesicles from human adipose-derived stem cells attenuate cartilage degeneration양시영
2022Study on RIPK3 protein expression and kinase activity in disease pathogenesis김유선, 노현진
2022Transforming growth factor‑β family and stem cell‑derived exosome therapeutic treatment in osteoarthritis (Review)윤승현, 최용준
2020TRIM24-RIP3 axis perturbation accelerates osteoarthritis pathogenesis강호철, 김유선, 양시영
