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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2021Association between sarcopenia and metabolic syndrome in community-dwelling adults김원선, 김춘자
2023Dexamethasone에 의한 근감소증 모델에서 Deferoxamine의 효능 및 기전 연구이관우, 정재엽
2017Differential expressions of myosin heavy chain and β-actin in skeletal muscle of female TIS21/BTG2/Pc3 knockout mice임인경, 최연승
2013The association between testosterone and muscle mass, muscle strength, and physical function in Korean men aged 60 and older김광민, 오소현
2016남녀 노인의 치아상태지표와 근감소증 및 골다공증의 연관성이윤환, 조윤영
