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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2014Communication skills, Emotional labor and Burnou in intensive care unit nurses.권미나, 유문숙
2010Conflict Management Styles and Communication Competence of Nurses김세은, 박지원
2024Development and Effectiveness of an Empathy Education Program for Undergraduate Nursing Students고은정, 박진희
2022Effect of the Empathy promotion for Nursing Students based on the Cyclic Empathy Model송주은, 윤주희
2021Factors Influencing Patient Safety Management Activities among Nurses in Comprehensive Care Service Wards김춘자, 이지선
2015Influencing effect of self-esteem and communication competence of the job satisfaction of nurses이순미, 현명선
2024Influencing Factors on Disaster Nursing Competence of Emergency Room Nurse노규봉, 배선형
2019Influencing Factors on Patient Safety Competence of Nurses배선형, 배지연
2017The Effect of Nurse’s Emotional Intelligence and Communication Competency on Nursing Performance김수진, 유문숙
2001The Effectiveness of Standardized Patient Managed Instruction for a Fundamental Nursing Course유문숙
2001The effectiveness of Standardized Patient Managed Instruction for a Fundamentals of Nursing Course유문숙
2002The Effectiveness of Standardized Patient Managed Instruction in Teaching Foley Catheterization Skills, Communication Skills and Learning Motivation유문숙
