Browsing by Keyword : Ascorbic Acid

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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2010Fibrillar superstructure formation of hemoglobin A and its conductive, photodynamic and photovoltaic effects.박상면
2005In vivo bone formation by human marrow stromal cells in biodegradable scaffolds that release dexamethasone and ascorbate-2-phosphate.민병현
2010Intakes of vitamin A, C, and E, and beta-carotene are associated with risk of cervical cancer: a case-control study in Korea.이정필
2022Performance evaluation of biodegradable polymer sirolimus and ascorbic acid eluting stent systems양형모
2005Spontaneous fractures in the mouse mutant sfx are caused by deletion of the gulonolactone oxidase gene, causing vitamin C deficiency.정윤석
