Browsing by Keyword : Brain injury

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Showing results 1 to 6 of 6

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2010Bruxism and Oromandibular Dystonia after Brain Injury Treated with Botulinum Toxin A and Occlusal Appliance -A Case Report-백광우, 송승일
2018Neuroprotective Effect of Ethanol in Acute Carbon Monoxide Intoxication김혁훈, 민영기
2020Region-specific astrogliosis: differential vessel formation contributes to different patterns of astrogliosis in the cortex and striatum박상면, 이기황, 조은혜, 주일로
2024Systemic inflammation attenuates the repair of damaged brains through reduced phagocytic activity of monocytes infiltrating the brainAN, JIAWEI, 박상면, 양해걸, 이건아, 이은정, 조은혜
2024Systemic Inflammation Decreases Initial Brain Injury but Attenuates Neurite Extension and Synapse Formation during the Repair of Injured Brains박상면, 이은정, 조은혜
2024The LRRK2-G2019S mutation attenuates repair of brain injury partially by reducing the release of osteopontin-containing monocytic exosome-like vesiclesAN, JIAWEI, 박상면, 조은혜, 최용준
