Browsing by Keyword : Radon

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Showing results 1 to 10 of 10

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2016An updated review of case-control studies of lung cancer and indoor radon-Is indoor radon the risk factor for lung cancer?강대용, 신승수, 이규성, 정우영
2016Attributable risk of lung cancer deaths due to indoor radon exposure강대용
2016Development of Predictive Model for Annual Mean Radon Concentration for Assessment of Annual Effective dose of Radon Exposure강대용
2017Distribution of radon concentrations in child-care facilities in South Korea강대용
2016Gene mutation discovery research of non-smoking lung cancer patients due to indoor radon exposure강대용, 고영화, 노오규, 박성용
2018Indoor Radon and Lung Cancer: Estimation of Attributable Risk, Disease Burden, and Effects of Mitigation김시헌
2016Indoor radon exposure and lung cancer: a review of ecological studies강대용
2019Indoor radon exposure increases tumor mutation burden in never-smoker patients with lung adenocarcinoma신승수
2018Radon and NO2 levels and related environmental factors in 100 underground subway platforms over two-year period박재범
2020Residential Radon Exposure and Cigarette Smoking in Association with Lung Cancer: A Matched Case-Control Study in Korea신승수, 조남한
