Browsing by Keyword : Wounds and injuries

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Showing results 1 to 7 of 7

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2024Characteristics of fall-from-height patients: a retrospective comparison of jumpers and fallers using a multi-institutional registry박은정
2022Improvement of mortality in severe liver injury after trauma center implementation: a propensity score matched study강병희, 권준식, 정경원, 최동환
2018Lateral approach of exploratory laparotomy through the open chest wall injury강병희, 문종환
2024Predictors of massive transfusion protocols activation in patients with trauma in Korea: a systematic review권준식, 박주홍, 서동민, 손혜민, 정경원
2015Risk factors for mortality of severe trauma based on 3 years' data at a single Korean institution.왕희정, 이국종, 이재헌, 정경원, 허윤정
2018The Usefulness of Perforator Flaps for the Definitive Management of Exposed Hardware in Patients with Lower Extremity Fracture김수민, 박동하, 박명철, 송형근, 이일재
2017Trauma surgery without proper compensation under the current Korean National Health Insurance System이국종, 이미진, 정경원, 허윤정
