Browsing "Preventive Medicine & Public Health" by AJOU Author : 이경종

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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2005Association of cognitive status with functional limitation and disability in older adults.이경종, 이윤환
2014Community-Based Risk Communication Survey: Risk Prevention Behaviors in Communities during the H1N1 crisis, 2010김수정, 이경종, 이순영
2014Exposure–Response Relationship Between Aircraft Noise and Sleep Quality: A Community-based Cross-sectional Study김수정, 민경복, 박재범, 이경종
2011Progression rate from new-onset pre-hypertension to hypertension in Korean adults김수정, 이경종, 이순영
2011Relationship Between Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS) and Urinary Hydroxyproline and Proline Concentrations in Hospital Workers김수정, 박재범, 이경종
2005Temporal and spatial distributions of aerial contaminants in an enclosed pig building in winter.김기연, 박재범, 이경종
2012The Correlation Between the Smoking and Oxygen Free Radicals in Men민경복, 이경종, 이순영
2008The Relationship between Resting Metabolic Rate and Cardiovascular Risk Factors in the Obesity Women박샛별, 이경종, 이순영
2012The Relationships between Enterprise-scale Levels, Safety and Health Information Provisions in the Workplace, and the Consequential Attack Rate of Occupational Disease and Injuries민경복, 박재범, 이경종, 이순영
