2024 | | Combined effect of anemia and chronic rhinitis on hearing loss in Korean adults: a nationwide observational study | 이순영, 주영준, 한진아 |
2016 | | Community based strategies and directions for the management of hypertension and diabetes | 이순영 |
2015 | | Community mental health status six months after the Sewol ferry disaster in Ansan, Korea. | 양희정, 이순영 |
2014 | | Community-Based Risk Communication Survey: Risk Prevention Behaviors in Communities during the H1N1 crisis, 2010 | 김수정, 이경종, 이순영 |
2002 | | Comparative Risk Analysis for Priority Ranking of Environmental Problems | 장재연 |
2016 | | Comparing diabetic patient characteristics related to stated medication adherence in a rural vs. urban community in Korea | 조남한 |
2013 | | Comparison Actual Conversion Factor with Estimated Conversion Factor by Fee Adjustment Model Reflecting Health Service Volume | 전기홍, 한기명 |
2020 | | Comparison of the characteristics of work-related injuries between older workers and the workers of the conventional working-age in the Republic of Korea, 2010-2014 | 김진희 |
2020 | | Consideration of body mass index (BMI) in the association between hand grip strength and hypertension: Korean Longitudinal Study of Ageing (KLoSA) | 신재용 |
2005 | | Correlates of cognitive impairment and depressive symptoms among older adults in Korea and Japan. | 이윤환 |
2014 | | Correlation between Head Circumference and Cognition in the Elderly | 노재성, 손상준, 이윤환, 임기영, 장기중, 정영기, 홍창형 |
2010 | | Correlations Between Climate Change-Related Infectious Diseases and Meteorological Factors in Korea | 장재연 |
2000 | | Correlations between the intrauterine metabolic environment and blood pressure in adolescent offspring of diabetic mothers. | 조남한 |
2018 | | Corrigendum to genome-wide association study in East Asians suggests UHMK1 as a novel bone mineral density susceptibility gene | 조남한 |
2014 | | Cost-effectiveness of drug-eluting vs. bare-metal stents in patients with coronary artery disease from the Korean National Health Insurance Database. | 전기홍 |
2020 | | COVID-19 and older people in Asia: Asian Working Group for Sarcopenia calls to actions | 이윤환 |
2018 | | Defining sarcopenia in terms of skeletal health | 조남한 |
2019 | | Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate and Free Testosterone but not Estradiol are Related to Muscle Strength and Bone Microarchitecture in Older Adults | 조남한 |
2018 | | Dementia and Death After Stroke in Older Adults During a 10-year Follow-up: Results from a Competing Risk Model | 이윤환 |
2016 | | Dependency on Smartphone Use and Its Association with Anxiety in Korea | 김시헌, 장재연 |