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Showing results 121 to 140 of 545

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2024Combined effect of anemia and chronic rhinitis on hearing loss in Korean adults: a nationwide observational study이순영, 주영준, 한진아
2016Community based strategies and directions for the management of hypertension and diabetes이순영
2015Community mental health status six months after the Sewol ferry disaster in Ansan, Korea.양희정, 이순영
2014Community-Based Risk Communication Survey: Risk Prevention Behaviors in Communities during the H1N1 crisis, 2010김수정, 이경종, 이순영
2002Comparative Risk Analysis for Priority Ranking of Environmental Problems장재연
2016Comparing diabetic patient characteristics related to stated medication adherence in a rural vs. urban community in Korea조남한
2013Comparison Actual Conversion Factor with Estimated Conversion Factor by Fee Adjustment Model Reflecting Health Service Volume전기홍, 한기명
2020Comparison of the characteristics of work-related injuries between older workers and the workers of the conventional working-age in the Republic of Korea, 2010-2014김진희
2020Consideration of body mass index (BMI) in the association between hand grip strength and hypertension: Korean Longitudinal Study of Ageing (KLoSA)신재용
2005Correlates of cognitive impairment and depressive symptoms among older adults in Korea and Japan.이윤환
2014Correlation between Head Circumference and Cognition in the Elderly노재성, 손상준, 이윤환, 임기영, 장기중, 정영기, 홍창형
2010Correlations Between Climate Change-Related Infectious Diseases and Meteorological Factors in Korea장재연
2000Correlations between the intrauterine metabolic environment and blood pressure in adolescent offspring of diabetic mothers.조남한
2018Corrigendum to genome-wide association study in East Asians suggests UHMK1 as a novel bone mineral density susceptibility gene조남한
2014Cost-effectiveness of drug-eluting vs. bare-metal stents in patients with coronary artery disease from the Korean National Health Insurance Database.전기홍
2020COVID-19 and older people in Asia: Asian Working Group for Sarcopenia calls to actions이윤환
2018Defining sarcopenia in terms of skeletal health조남한
2019Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate and Free Testosterone but not Estradiol are Related to Muscle Strength and Bone Microarchitecture in Older Adults조남한
2018Dementia and Death After Stroke in Older Adults During a 10-year Follow-up: Results from a Competing Risk Model이윤환
2016Dependency on Smartphone Use and Its Association with Anxiety in Korea김시헌, 장재연
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