Browsing "Psychiatry & Behavioural Sciences" by Keyword : Machine Learning

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Showing results 1 to 6 of 6

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2024A multimodal machine learning model for predicting dementia conversion in Alzheimer’s disease손상준
2023Association between impaired glucose metabolism and long-term prognosis at the time of diagnosis of depression: Impaired glucose metabolism as a promising biomarker proposed through a machine-learning approach노재성, 박래웅, 손상준, 조용혁
2024Identification of molecular subtypes of dementia by using blood-proteins interaction-aware graph propagational network노현웅, 손상준, 우현구, 홍창형
2024Neuroimaging and natural language processing-based classification of suicidal thoughts in major depressive disorder박래웅, 박범희, 손상준
2024Plasma protein-based identification of neuroimage-driven subtypes in mild cognitive impairment via protein-protein interaction aware explainable graph propagational network김도윤, 노현웅, 손상준, 우현구, 홍창형
2023Privacy-Preserving Federated Model Predicting Bipolar Transition in Patients With Depression: Prediction Model Development Study박래웅, 손상준
