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Showing results 321 to 340 of 364

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2014The effect of perinatal anxiety on bronchiolitis is influenced by polymorphisms in ROS-related genes.장형윤
2022The effect of sex and physical frailty on incident disability after 2 years among community-dwelling older adults: KFACS study김진희, 손상준, 이윤환
2013The Effect of Subjective Physical and Mental Health on Cognitive Decline in the Elderly노재성, 손상준, 이윤환, 홍창형
2022The effectiveness of a motivational enhancement smartphone application promoting lifestyle improvement for brain health: A randomized controlled trial노현웅, 문소영, 박범희, 손상준, 정수인, 홍창형
2012The effects of head circumference (HC) and lifetime alcohol consumption (AC) on cognitive function in the elderly홍창형
2015The effects of maternal depression on child mental health problems based on gender of the child.신윤미, 이지원, 임기영, 조선미
2018The Effects of Natural Daylight on Length of Hospital Stay노재성
2015The Effects of Stressors on Subjective Well-Being in the Elderly.노재성, 손상준, 이윤환, 임기영, 장기중, 정영기, 홍창형
2016The Effects of the School Violence Prevention Program Using Temperament신윤미, 조선미
2010The functional and neuroprotective actions of Neu2000, a dual-acting pharmacological agent, in the treatment of acute spinal cord injury.곽병주, 노재성, 조성익
2015The heterogeneity and natural history of mild cognitive impairment of visual memory predominant type.문소영, 이윤환, 홍창형
2014The influence of unsupervised time on elementary school children at high risk for inattention and problem behaviors.신윤미
2016The Major Elements of Psychological Assessment and Intervention for Children and Adolescents after a Disaster: A Professional Delphi Preliminary Survey.장형윤
2022The moderating effect of cognitive function on the association between social support and depressive symptoms among community-dwelling older adults: Cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses노현웅, 손상준, 홍창형
2018The moderating effect of religiosity on caregiving burden and depressive symptoms in caregivers of patients with dementia문소영, 이윤환, 홍창형
2019The Necessity of the Judicial Hospitalization for Acutely Exacerbated Person with Severe Psychiatric Disorder노재성
2012The pathway of internalizing and externalizing problems from childhood to adolescence: a prospective study from age 7 to 14-16 in Korea신윤미, 임기영, 조선미
2009The present state of chid abuse in Korea and its system for child protection김신영, 배기수, 정영기
2013The promotion of mental health and the prevention of mental health problems in child and adolescent신윤미, 조선미
2014The Psychological Characteristics and Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings in Firefighters with Partial Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and the Effect of Treatment by Using Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing김남희
