2007 | | Teaching Professionalism in Korean Medical Schools | 임기영 |
2009 | | The Association of Alcohol Problems with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms, Psychological Hardiness and the Ways of Coping in Firefighters | 김신영, 정영기, 조선미 |
2019 | | The association of diabetes duration and glycemic control with depression in elderly men with type 2 diabetes mellitus | 김대중, 김혜진, 이관우, 한승진, 홍창형 |
2008 | | The Behcet's Disease Quality of Life: reliability and validity of the Korean version. | 이은소, 임기영 |
2024 | | The changing dynamics of work from home and its association with sleep disturbance through work-family conflict during the COVID-19 pandemic | 박재범, 정인철, 정재혁, 조용혁 |
1996 | | The Characteristics of Panic Attack Symptoms in Panic Disorder Patients | 노재성, 임기영 |
2004 | | The Comparison Study of Temperament and Character in Subjects with Panic Disorder | 고상현, 임기영, 정영기, 조선미 |
2001 | | The Difference of Rorschach Response on Standardized method and Modified method of Children | 조선미 |
2001 | | The Ecology of Anxiety | 임기영 |
2012 | | The effect of anemia and white matter hyperintensities (WMH) on cognitive impairment in patients with amnestic mild cognitive impairment (MCI) | 홍창형 |
2017 | | The Effect of Escitalopram on Mood and Cognition in Depressive Alzheimer's Disease Subjects | 홍창형 |
2014 | | The Effect of Group Musical Therapy on Depression and Activities on Daily Living in Patients with Cognitive Decline | 손상준 |
2014 | | The effect of perinatal anxiety on bronchiolitis is influenced by polymorphisms in ROS-related genes. | 장형윤 |
2022 | | The effect of sex and physical frailty on incident disability after 2 years among community-dwelling older adults: KFACS study | 김진희, 손상준, 이윤환 |
2013 | | The Effect of Subjective Physical and Mental Health on Cognitive Decline in the Elderly | 노재성, 손상준, 이윤환, 홍창형 |
2008 | | The effect of the ApoE genotype on the association between head circumference and cognition. | 홍창형 |
2022 | | The effectiveness of a motivational enhancement smartphone application promoting lifestyle improvement for brain health: A randomized controlled trial | 노현웅, 문소영, 박범희, 손상준, 정수인, 홍창형 |
2012 | | The effects of head circumference (HC) and lifetime alcohol consumption (AC) on cognitive function in the elderly | 홍창형 |
2015 | | The effects of maternal depression on child mental health problems based on gender of the child. | 신윤미, 이지원, 임기영, 조선미 |
2018 | | The Effects of Natural Daylight on Length of Hospital Stay | 노재성 |