A 60 years old female patient presented with 8{times}6;cm sized painless oval mass in the left parietal region. She had left lobectomy of thyroid gland 10 years ago. Cranial CT, MRI, FGD PET-CT showed a solid mass which invaded left parietal bone. After embolization, craniectomy with tumor excision was performed. Histological examination revealed metastatic follicular cancer originated thyroid gland, with vascular and dura invasion. Postoperatively, neck CT showed right thyroid multiple nodules and right level III multiple lymph node enlargement. Thyroid function test was normal, but level of thyroglobulin was high (72ng/ml). So she had right lobectomy of thyroid gland with lymph node dissection under a diagnosis of follicular carcinoma. But histological examination revealed adenomatous hyperplasia and not lymph node metastasis. After operation, she received radioiodine therapy of 150mCi and then the level of thyroglobulin normalized (8.4ng/ml). The patient is under follow-up since she had operation 4 months ago.