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Showing results 1 to 10 of 10

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2013A genome-wide association study of seasonal pattern mania identifies NF1A as a possible susceptibility gene for bipolar disorder.우현구
2001Activated cAMP-response element-binding protein regulates neuronal expression of presenilin-1.이영돈
2000Assignment of the kinesin family member 4 genes (KIF4A and KIF4B) to human chromosome bands Xq13.1 and 5q33.1 by in situ hybridization.김완기, 김현주, 이영미, 하만준
2014Association of aromatase (TTTA)n repeat polymorphisms with central precocious puberty in girls.이해상, 황진순
2017Genetic variants of the gasdermin B gene associated with the development of aspirin-exacerbated respiratory diseases박해심
2011Genome-wide association studies identify genetic loci related to alcohol consumption in Korean men조남한
2014Inhibition of bladder cancer invasion by Sp1-mediated BTG2 expression via inhibition of DNA methyltransferase 1.김선일, 김세중, 신승수, 유민숙, 임인경, 임현이, 최용원
2010KISS1 gene analysis in Korean girls with central precocious puberty: a polymorphism, p.P110T, suggested to exert a protective effect.고정민, 황진순
2000Mutation analysis of Korean patients with citrullinemia.한시훈
2012Mutation spectrum of the TYR and SLC45A2 genes in patients with oculocutaneous albinism김현주, 정선용
