Browsing by Keyword : Aneurysm, False

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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2008Acupuncture induced necrotizing aortitis with infected pseudoaneurysm formation.임상현
2006Anomalous systemic arterial supply to the basal segment of the left lung with huge pseudoaneurysm.이성수, 최호
2018Complications following ultrasound-guided core needle biopsy of thyroid nodules: a systematic review and meta-analysis하은주
2017Complications following US-guided core-needle biopsy for thyroid lesions: a retrospective study of 6,169 consecutive patients with 6,687 thyroid nodules하은주
2008Endovascular internal trapping of traumatic pericallosal pseudoaneurysm with hydrogel-coated self-expandable coil in a child: a case report.신용삼, 윤수한
2005Intranasal extrusion of the endovascular coil after occluding internal carotid artery for massive nasopharyngeal bleeding.김선용, 신용삼
2012Posterior circulation embolism as a potential mechanism for migraine with aura용석우, 이진수, 임태성, 최준영, 홍지만
2004Pseudoaneurysm after tibial nailing.원예연, 한경진
2007Pseudoaneurysm of left ventricular apex caused by a left ventricular venting catheter through the right superior pulmonary vein.임상현
