Browsing by Keyword : Carotid Artery Diseases
Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
Pub Year | | Title | AJOU Author(s) |
2018 | | ApoB/ApoA-I ratio is independently associated with carotid atherosclerosis in type 2 diabetes mellitus with well-controlled LDL cholesterol levels | 김대중 |
2015 | | Association between Fibrinogen and Carotid Atherosclerosis According to Smoking Status in a Korean Male Population. | 강대용 |
2019 | | Body mass index and glucocorticoid dose contribute to subclinical atherosclerosis in Korean patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: A prospective 4 year follow-up study | 김현아, 서창희, 정주양 |
2011 | | Carotid atheromatic plaque is commonly associated with hypopituitary men. | 김대중 |
2017 | | Design and Rationale of the Intima-Medial Thickness Sub-Study of the PreventIon of CArdiovascular Events in iSchemic Stroke Patients with High Risk of Cerebral hemOrrhage (PICASSO-IMT) Study | 이진수 |
2017 | | Distinctive patterns on CT angiography characterize acute internal carotid artery occlusion subtypes | 이성은, 이성준, 이진수, 홍지만 |
2019 | | Forward deployed coil embolization with multiple overlapping stents for ruptured blood blister-like aneurysms: technical considerations and outcomes | 임용철 |
1993 | | Increased cerebral perfusion after detachable balloon embolization of carotid cavernous fistula on technetium-99m-HMPAO brain SPECT. | 서정호 |
2004 | | Infarct patterns in atherosclerotic middle cerebral artery versus internal carotid artery disease. | 방오영, 이필휴, 주인수, 허균 |
2005 | | Inflammatory markers, rather than conventional risk factors, are different between carotid and MCA atherosclerosis. | 방오영, 이필휴, 주인수, 허균 |
2005 | | Intranasal extrusion of the endovascular coil after occluding internal carotid artery for massive nasopharyngeal bleeding. | 김선용, 신용삼 |
2005 | | Is high-sensitivity C-reactive protein associated with carotid atherosclerosis in healthy Koreans? | 김대중, 이관우, 정윤석 |
2005 | | Mechanisms of recurrence in subtypes of ischemic stroke: a hospital-based follow-up study. | 방오영, 이필휴 |
2013 | | The combined use of mechanical thrombectomy devices is feasible for treating acute carotid terminus occlusion. | 김선용, 이진수, 임용철, 주인수, 홍지만 |
2010 | | The missing button sign as a tool for detecting proximal internal carotid artery occlusion. | 김은진, 주인수, 최준영, 허균 |