Browsing by Keyword : China

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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2018A Comparison of Anatomy Education in a Large Chinese Medical School and a Small Korean Medical School정민석
2013A genome-wide association study identifies GRK5 and RASGRP1 as type 2 diabetes loci in Chinese Hans.조남한
2010Advanced features of whole body sectioned images: Virtual Chinese Human.신동선, 정민석
2021Air pollution and risk of hospital outpatient visits for eczematous skin disorders in metropolitan cities of South Korea하경화
2024Benralizumab efficacy and safety in severe asthma: A randomized trial in Asia박해심
2014Diabetes in the Western Pacific Region--past, present and future.조남한
2007First case of human babesiosis in Korea: detection and characterization of a novel type of Babesia sp. (KO1) similar to ovine babesia.박일중, 조성란
2016Incidence and Morphological Predictors of Intrastent Coronary Thrombus After Drug-Eluting Stent Implantation (from a Multicenter Registry)최소연
2011Large-scale genome-wide association studies in East Asians identify new genetic loci influencing metabolic traits조남한
2021Meta-analysis of 208370 East Asians identifies 113 susceptibility loci for systemic lupus erythematosus서창희
2012The Visible Human Projects in Korea and China with improved images and diverse applications신동선, 정민석
2001Trauma experience of North Korean refugees in China.윤수진, 이윤환, 전기홍
