Browsing by Keyword : Hepatitis C, Chronic

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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2012A practical scoring system for predicting cirrhosis in patients with chronic viral hepatitis김영배, 박래웅, 신승수, 정재연, 조성원
2019A Proposal for Modification of the Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer Staging System Considering the Prognostic Implication of Performance Status김순선, 김진홍, 노충균, 신성재, 양민재, 유병무, 이광재, 이기명, 임선교, 정재연, 조효정, 황재철
2001Chronic hepatitis: in vivo proton MR spectroscopic evaluation of the liver and correlation with histopathologic findings.김영배
2021Combining hepatic surface nodularity and serum tests better predicts hepatic fibrosis stages in chronic liver disease김재근, 이제희, 조효정, 허지미
2012Diagnostic accuracy of biomarkers measured in the hepatic vein and peripheral vein in the prediction of advanced fibrosis in patients with chronic viral hepatitis정재연, 조성원
2011Diagnostic value of multiple biomarker panel for prediction of significant fibrosis in chronic hepatitis C.김영배, 정재연, 조성원
2012Hepatocellular carcinoma: clinical and radiological findings in patients with chronic B viral hepatitis and chronic C viral hepatitis김영철
2021Independent risk factors for hepatocellular carcinoma recurrence after direct-acting antiviral therapy in patients with chronic hepatitis C김순선, 박범희, 정재연, 조효정
2013Multicenter comparison of PEG-IFN α2a or α2b plus ribavirin for treatment-naïve HCV patient in Korean population.정재연, 조성원
2011Non-invasive index for predicting significant liver fibrosis: comparison of diagnostic performances in patients with chronic hepatitis B and C김영배, 정재연, 조성원
2011Serum markers for necroinflammatory activity in patients with chronic viral hepatitis and normal or mildly elevated aminotransferase levels.김영배, 정재연, 조성원
2011The usefulness of liver stiffness measurement using FibroScan in chronic hepatitis C in South Korea: a multicenter, prospective study이명희, 정재연, 조성원
