Browsing by Keyword : Trachea

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Showing results 1 to 15 of 15

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
20163D printed polyurethane prosthesis for partial tracheal reconstruction: a pilot animal study김현준
2015Effect of mild hypocapnia on hemodynamic and bispectral index responses to tracheal intubation during propofol anesthesia in children.김종엽
2023Guideline for the Surgical Management of Locally Invasive Differentiated Thyroid Cancer From the Korean Society of Head and Neck Surgery장전엽
1998MR findings of tracheal involvement in Wegener's granulomatosis.박경주
2021Point of care airway ultrasound to select tracheal tube and determine insertion depth in cleft repair surgery안정환
2019Reply to the letter about inadequate depth of nasal tube김하연
2019Shallow nasal RAE tube depth after head and neck surgery: association with preoperative and intraoperative factors김하연
2000The Effect of Sensitization on the Contractility of Trachea, Intestine and Urinary Bladder in the Rats임명수
2002Tissue engineered tracheal prosthesis with acceleratedly cultured homologous chondrocytes as an alternative of tracheal reconstruction.민병현, 이철주, 최호
2010Tissue-engineered allograft tracheal cartilage using fibrin/hyaluronan composite gel and its in vivo implantation.김장희, 김철호, 민병현, 이진석
2014Tissue-engineered tracheal reconstruction using chondrocyte seeded on a porcine cartilage-derived substance scaffold.김철호, 민병현, 신유섭, 장재원
2015Tissue-engineered tracheal reconstruction using mesenchymal stem cells seeded on a porcine cartilage powder scaffold.김유석, 김철호, 민병현, 신유섭
2014Tissue-engineered tracheal reconstruction using three-dimensionally printed artificial tracheal graft: preliminary report.김유석, 김철호, 신유섭
2014Tracheal reconstruction using chondrocytes seeded on a poly(L-lactic-co-glycolic acid)-fibrin/hyaluronan김유석, 김철호, 신유섭
2012Transplantation of autologous chondrocytes seeded on a fibrin/hyaluronan composite gel into tracheal cartilage defects in rabbits: preliminary results김철호, 민병현
