Browsing by Keyword : stroke

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Showing results 1 to 17 of 17

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2014A Method for Generate a Mouse Model of Stroke: Evaluation of Parameters for Blood Flow, Behavior, and Survival김성수, 서해영, 이영돈
2023Angiographic tapering sign as a surrogate marker for large vessel occlusion due to intracranial atherosclerotic stenosis and its clinical implication: A retrospective matched case-control study정우상, 최진욱
2018Association of Hyperthyroidism and Thyroid Autoantibodies with Moyamoya Disease and Its Stroke Event: A Population-based Case-control Study and Meta-analysis조남한
2022Changes in the Brain Metabolism Associated with Central Post‐Stroke Pain in Hemorrhagic Pontine Stroke: An18F‐FDG‐PET Study of the Brain안영실
2021Editorial: Intracranial Atherosclerotic Disease: Epidemiology, Imaging, Treatment and Prognosis이진수
2023Editorial: Intracranial atherosclerotic disease: epidemiology, imaging, treatment and prognosis, volume II이진수
2018Erythrocyte Fraction Within Retrieved Thrombi Contributes to Thrombolytic Response in Acute Ischemic Stroke김장희, 이성은, 이성준, 이진수, 최문희, 홍지만
2006Factors affecting neurogenesis after application of human mesenchymal stem cells in ischemic rat model이문옥, 허균
2021Hemorrhagic Transformation After Ischemic Stroke: Mechanisms and Management김민, 홍지만
2022Intracranial non-occlusive intraluminal thrombus may indicate underlying etiology of large vessel occlusion in patients undergoing endovascular therapy이성준, 이진수, 최진욱, 홍지만
2019Ischemic Diffusion Lesion Reversal After Endovascular Treatment이성준, 이진수, 최진욱, 홍지만
2018Metabolic Changes in Central Poststroke Pain Following Thalamic Intracerebral Hemorrhage: An 18F-FDG PET Study안영실
2005Neuronal Differentiation and Functional Recovery after Transplantation of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cell in The Ischemic Rat Model김형석, 조경기
2018Recovery of language function and brain metabolism in a patient with crossed aphasia: 2-year follow-up of brain FDG PET images안영실
2015Sex-specific differences in the association of a common aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 gene polymorphism and alcohol consumption with stroke risk in a Korean population: a prospective cohort study.조남한
2011The effect of stimulation on swallowing function in post-stroke patient김용순, 이혜미
2019Therapeutic hypothermia after recanalization in acute ischemic stroke patients: Analyses of multicenter, consecutively-enrolled, observational, retrospective endovascular treatment registry (ASIAN-KR)길영은, 홍지만
