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Showing results 481 to 500 of 545

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2008The effect of music therapy at surgical extraction of mandibular impacted 3rd molars이순영, 이정근, 전기홍
2014The effect of pre-existing medical conditions on heat stroke during hot weather in South Korea.김시헌, 장재연
2022The effect of sex and physical frailty on incident disability after 2 years among community-dwelling older adults: KFACS study김진희, 손상준, 이윤환
2020The effect of shifting medical coverage from National Health Insurance to Medical Aid type I and type II on health care utilization and out-of-pocket spending in South Korea장지은
2013The Effect of Subjective Physical and Mental Health on Cognitive Decline in the Elderly노재성, 손상준, 이윤환, 홍창형
2002The Effectiveness of the Serum IgA Level in Diagnosing IgA Nephropathy김도헌, 김흥수, 신규태, 신승수, 임현이, 조남한
2018The effects of frailty and cognitive impairment on 3-year mortality in older adults김진희, 이경은, 이윤환
2010The Effects of Oral Calcifediol in Postmenopausal Women with Osteopenia and Osteoporosis김수정, 김태호, 이순영, 정윤석
2015The Effects of Stressors on Subjective Well-Being in the Elderly.노재성, 손상준, 이윤환, 임기영, 장기중, 정영기, 홍창형
2013The Effects of Temperature on Heat-related Illness According to the Characteristics of Patients During the Summer of 2012 in the Republic of Korea장재연
2010The Epidemiology of Diabetes in Korea: From the Economics to Genetics조남한
2020The Frequency of Sleep Medication Use and the Risk of Subjective Cognitive Decline (SCD) or SCD With Functional Difficulties in Elderly Individuals Without Dementia이순영, 전기홍, 주영준
2022The global burden of adolescent and young adult cancer in 2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019이윤환
2014The glycemic status of diabetes in an urban area of Cambodia.조남한
2019The Health Burden of Cancer Attributable to Obesity in Korea: A Population-Based Cohort Study이주은
2015The heterogeneity and natural history of mild cognitive impairment of visual memory predominant type.문소영, 이윤환, 홍창형
2014The IDF Diabetes Atlas methodology for estimating global prevalence of hyperglycaemia in pregnancy.조남한
2016The impact of differences between subjective and objective social class on life satisfaction among the Korean population in early old age: Analysis of Korean longitudinal study on aging김재현
1994The incidence of IDDM in Seoul from 1985 to 1988.조남한
2022The influence of multiple frailty profiles on institutionalization and all-cause mortality in community-living older adults이윤환
