2010 | | Identification of 15 loci influencing height in a Korean population. | 조남한 |
2015 | | Identification of FAM13A gene associated with the ratio of FEV1 to FVC in Korean population by genome-wide association studies including gene-environment interactions. | 조남한 |
2018 | | Identification of five novel genetic loci related to facial morphology by genome-wide association studies | 조남한 |
2016 | | Identification of IDUA and WNT16 Phosphorylation-Related Non-Synonymous Polymorphisms for Bone Mineral Density in Meta-Analyses of Genome-Wide Association Studies | 조남한 |
2020 | | Identification of Novel Genetic Variants Related to Trabecular Bone Score in Community-Dwelling Older Adults | 조남한 |
2017 | | IDF Diabetes Atlas: Global estimates for the prevalence of diabetes for 2015 and 2040 | 조남한 |
2018 | | IDF Diabetes Atlas: Global estimates of diabetes prevalence for 2017 and projections for 2045 | 조남한 |
2016 | | Impact of continuous Medical Aid utilisation on healthcare utilisation: unique insight using the 2008-2012 Korean Welfare Panel Study (KOWEPS) | 김재현 |
2016 | | Impact of health insurance status changes on healthcare utilisation patterns: a longitudinal cohort study in South Korea | 김재현 |
2011 | | Impact of meteorological variation on hospital visits of patients with tree pollen allergy | 박해심, 장재연 |
2011 | | Impact of obesity on metabolic syndrome among adolescents as compared with adults in Korea | 김수정, 이순영 |
1995 | | Impaired glucose tolerance in adolescent offspring of diabetic mothers. Relationship to fetal hyperinsulinism. | 조남한 |
2018 | | Implementation of long-term care and hospital utilization: Results of segmented regression analysis of interrupted time series study | 이윤환 |
2008 | | Implication of genetic variants near TCF7L2, SLC30A8, HHEX, CDKAL1, CDKN2A/B, IGF2BP2, and FTO in type 2 diabetes and obesity in 6,719 Asians. | 조남한 |
2017 | | Incidence and predictors of type 2 diabetes among Koreans: A 12-year follow up of the Korean Genome and Epidemiology Study | 김대중, 김혜진, 이관우, 조남한, 한승진 |
2019 | | Incidence of hip fracture among long-term care insurance beneficiaries with dementia: comparison of home care and institutional care services | 최영 |
2008 | | Incidence of hip fractures in Korea. | 조남한 |
2018 | | Incidence of knee chondrocalcinosis and its risk factors in a community-based cohort | 조남한 |
2016 | | Incidences of Waterborne and Foodborne Diseases After Meteorologic Disasters in South Korea | 장재연 |
1997 | | Increased macrosomia and perinatal morbidity independent of maternal obesity and advanced age in Korean women with GDM. | 조남한 |