2013 | | Sarcopenia and obesity: gender-different relationship with functional limitation in older persons. | 조남한 |
2014 | | Sarcopenia in Asia: consensus report of the Asian Working Group for Sarcopenia. | 이윤환 |
2017 | | Sasang constitutional types for the risk prediction of metabolic syndrome: a 14-year longitudinal prospective cohort study | 조남한 |
2006 | | Satisfaction with Health Care in North Korea: A Study of North Korean Refugees in China | 이윤환 |
2024 | | Satisfaction with local healthcare services and medical need among hypertensive patients: a nationwide study | 이순영, 주영준 |
2007 | | Scheduling mammography screening for the early detection of breast cancer in Korean women. | 이순영 |
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2020 | | Self-reported campus alcohol policy and college alcohol consumption: a multilevel analysis of 4592 Korean students from 82 colleges | 주영준 |
2022 | | Seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies during the third wave of COVID-19 in the Seoul metropolitan area of Korea | 이순영 |
2005 | | Serum gamma-glutamyltransferase within its normal concentration range is related to the presence of diabetes and cardiovascular risk factors. | 조남한 |
2004 | | Serum uric acid and risk of death from cancer, cardiovascular disease or all causes in men. | 이순영 |
2015 | | Severity of White Matter Hyperintensities and Length of Hospital Stay in Patients with Cognitive Impairment: A CREDOS (Clinical Research Center for Dementia of South Korea) Study. | 노재성, 손상준, 이윤환, 임기영, 장기중, 정영기, 홍창형 |
2010 | | Sex difference of type 2 diabetes affected by abdominal obesity versus overall obesity. | 전기홍 |
2014 | | Sex Factors in the Metabolic Syndrome as a Predictor of Cardiovascular Disease | 조남한 |
2017 | | Sex-based Differences in the Association between Body Composition and Incident Fracture Risk in Koreans | 조남한 |
2015 | | Sex-specific differences in the association of a common aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 gene polymorphism and alcohol consumption with stroke risk in a Korean population: a prospective cohort study. | 조남한 |
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2019 | | Sleep-disordered breathing and Alzheimer's disease: A nationwide cohort study | 이주은, 전기홍, 주영준 |
2013 | | Socio-demographic Characteristics and Leading Causes of Death Among the Casualties of Meteorological Events Compared With All-cause Deaths in Korea, 2000-2011 | 장재연 |