2017 | | A Retrospective Study of Korean Adults With Food Allergy: Differences in Phenotypes and Causes | 박해심, 반가영, 신유섭, 예영민, 이소희, 이수영, 정경욱 |
2016 | | A single hospital survey of anaphylaxis awareness among health care providers and medical students | 김지혜, 박해심, 반가영, 신유섭, 예영민, 이수영 |
2008 | | Anaphylaxis; 10 Years’ Experience at a University Hospital in Suwon | 남동호, 박한정, 박해심, 신유섭, 예영민, 이수영, 최길순 |
2019 | | Clinical Efficacy of Allergen-Specific Immunotherapy from Patient and Physician Perspectives | 신유섭, 이수영 |
2013 | | Comparison of specific IgE antibodies to wheat component allergens in two phenotypes of wheat allergy. | 박해심, 신유섭, 예영민, 이수영, 이정민 |
2016 | | ERRATUM: Author's English name correction. A single hospital survey of anaphylaxis awareness among health care providers and medical students | 김지혜, 박해심, 반가영, 신유섭, 예영민, 이수영 |
1997 | | Evidence of Hop Japanese pollinosis in Korea: IgE sensitization and identification of allergenic components. | 남동호, 박기현, 박해심, 이수영 |
2015 | | KAAACI Work Group report on the management of chronic urticaria | 박해심, 예영민, 이수영 |
2013 | | Overview of anaphylaxis in Korea: diagnosis and management | 박해심, 예영민, 이수영 |
2019 | | Patients’ and doctors’ perspectives on allergen specific immunotherapy in Korea | 신유섭, 이수영 |